3 Phase Testers and Adaptors

ProTag TPI Series Insulation Test Adaptors
Only $159 Each EX GST Buy Now
Use with any appliance tester. For insulation and earth testing of 3 phase extension leads and 3 phase appliances. Suits 4 and 5 pin, 20A and 32A plugs.
TPI Overview
- Can be used with any appliance tester
- Users set the appliance tester to Class I test
- The adaptor allows the appliance tester to check insulation resistance and earth continuity
- All phases and neutral are tested for insulation resistance simultaneously to earth
- For 4 pin appliances/extension leads, the neutral test is omitted

ProTag PAC-TPL 3 Phase Leakage Adaptor
Only $1,199 EX GST Buy Now
The ProTag PAC-TPL 3 phase leakage adaptor provides users of the Seaward PAC3760 DL and PrimeTest Elite with the capability of powering up 10A, 16A, 20A and 32A appliances and carrying out a leakage current test.
The test results are displayed on the PAC3760 DL unit, with both the actual reading and a Pass/Fail display.
- Earth Continuity see PAC3760 DL Test Instrument specification
- Test Voltage 3 phase supply voltage
- Test Duration continuous
- Display Range 0.15mA to 9.99mA
- Measurement Range 0.25mA to 9.99mA
- Accuracy +(5% + 2 digits)
- Frequency Response 50Hz
- Pass Value 5mA
For more information, click here: PAC-TPL Brochure

ProTag PAC-3P Three Phase Appliance & Lead Tester
Only $1,349 Each EX GST Buy Now
Earth continuity @ 200mA
Leakage Current Test - Mains-powered
Indication PASS/FAIL and measured values
Operation 2 push buttons
Earth Continuity Test:
Display Range 0.1ohm to 20ohm
Test Current 200mA
Pass/Fail Limit 1ohm
Accuracy better than 5% at 1ohm
Leakage Test:
Display Range 0.15mA to 9.99mA
Pass/Fail Limit 5mA
Accuracy better than 5% at 5mA
Power Source 2x9V batteries
Accessory PAC-3P-ELA 20A and 32A extension lead test adaptor with earth test pin

ProTag RCD-3P 3 Phase RCD Testing Adaptor
Only $349 Each EX GST Buy Now
The ProTag RCD-3P is a universal three phase RCD testing adaptor that can be used with any brand of RCD tester or portable appliance tester with RCD test function.
The ProTag RCD-3P ONLY suits 5 pin three phase sockets and is available in 2 models: RCD-3P-20A for 20A sockets and RCD-3P-32A for 32A sockets. The RCD-3P units feature three inbuilt 500V ceramic fuses, i.e. one fuse per phase, ensuring operator safety.
The RCD-3P allows for fast and easy 3 phase RCD testing:
1. Insert the three phase RCD testing adaptor's plug into the three phase socket outlet
2. Turn on your RCD/PAT tester to the RCD test function
3. Plug the RCD/PAT tester's test lead cable into the L1 socket of the RCD-3P
4. Ensure the RCD is reset and switched on at this stage
5. Conduct the desired RCD tests
6. Repeat the testing procedure carried out for L1 socket with L2 and L3 sockets
7. Note the RCD should be reset after tripping before continuing the tests.